Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas Family Service: Filling the Manger with Love

 This Christmas Season I was excited to share with my kids, the tradition of placing straw in a manger for each act of service or kindness shown in our home. When I think back to Christmas as a child, the memories of doing secret service for my family is very vivid, more so than what I received from Santa even! We often give service challenges to complete with your family for others, but this week it is all about serving your family. This is such a simple thing to do, and it really keeps the focus of the Christmas season on Christ, His birth, and loving each other. If you don't have a manger and straw, a basket/small box and strips of paper would work just fine! We have found our children very eager to serve each other with the added motivation of filling the manger with straw, making it soft for baby Jesus. Our hope this season is that we can share the gift, that is Christ, with all.

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