This week pick any of the service projects we have done, and include a little #passiton card to encourage the service to continue!
Monday, April 13, 2015
Sunday, April 5, 2015
My Testimony this Easter Sunday
The Small Seed asked me if I would share my story of faith this Easter, and I was privileged to do so. I would like to share it here, and also invite you to share your testimony whenever, and where ever you are.
I had never known the depth of my reliance on the Atonement until the night my heart broken into a million pieces.
My 7-month-old daughter, Ruby Jane, had been in the hospital for months, waiting for a liver transplant. We had every hope that she would receive that transplant, and live a long, happy life. The first week of August things started to go downhill very rapidly, but we still did not fear the worst. After being intubated and placed at the top of the transplant list, she started to slip from this world. Ruby’s mighty heart stopped beating one night, and I had never felt so afraid. But through the fear was my faith in Heavenly Father. I pushed my husband through the chaos of doctors and nurses, and asked him to give her a priesthood blessing. He reached through a small opening and laid his hands on her head and blessed her. Her heart eventually began to beat normally, only to crash several hours later. I pleaded with Heavenly Father, like never before, to please save her life. I was holding onto Ruby and fighting with every fiber of my being to keep her here on Earth. Again, her heart started to beat.
The next day I sat in a chair in the corner of her crowded PICU room. I was in a constant state of prayer that day. I remember looking out the window and feeling the hot August sun beating through the window on my face, and then closing my eyes. That is when my life changed forever. I had a very strong and clear thought in my mind, from Heavenly Father, that Ruby’s work on the Earth was finished. My eyes shot open and I pushed that thought into the deepest part of myself, wanting to ignore what Heavenly Father wanted me to understand. Several hours later, Ruby’s heart stopped beating for the final time.
When I saw the screen with a neon green flat line, I just kept
sobbing to Ruby, “I am so sorry, I am so sorry, I am so sorry.” As a
mother, I felt like I had failed her in every way. I had always been
able to protect my children. Looking at her little body, I could not
believe I had let this happen. For days, the suffocating fog of grief
and shock overpowered most everything. One night laying in my bed, my
tears silently fell in a constant stream down my face. My chest
physically ached. It felt like a ton of bricks were placed just over my
heart, pushing down harder and harder. I remember thinking that it was
so heavy, that I just couldn’t take another breath. I even started to
count, telling myself that I would breathe when I got to 3. 1…2….3…the
breath wasn’t coming. I had never felt so alone in my life. No one could
understand this type of pain. And then I remembered.
I remembered that I was not alone. There was actually someone who had felt this exact heaviness in my heart. Jesus Christ had felt the pain and grief of MY heart, over losing Ruby, all those years ago in the garden of Gethsemane. This allowed me to take a breath. And then I started to pray. I asked for relief. I asked for comfort. I asked for an escape from the heavy pain, just for a moment. Relief came immediately, right when I had asked, washing over my body. I was able to catch my breath, and then fall asleep.
After that night, my relationship with Christ changed. I now knew how
much I needed him. I needed him to survive spiritually and also
physically now. I had always had a strong testimony of the Atonement,
but I have never used the Atonement in the way I had that night. When I
thought there was no one, there He was, carrying me, protecting me,
saving me. And that saving continues.
Easter is different for our family now. It is a very tender reminder that there is life beyond the grave. There is life for our Ruby. We know that her soul lives on, and that she will be reunited with that tiny perfect body someday. Hope , happiness and joy have prevailed through our trial because we know that “he breaketh the bands of death, that the grave shall have no victory, and that the sting of death should be swallowed up in the hopes of glory” (Alma 22:14).
Our family’s testimony and understanding of the resurrection provide
the hope we need to endure. It is because of the Atonement that I am
able to withstand this mortal trial I have been given to live without
one of my daughters. It is because of the Atonement that I am able to
repent and become the best possible daughter of God that I can be. This
Easter I cling tightly to the promise that My Savior Jesus Christ’s
Atonement overpowers temporal death through the Resurrection.
“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.” John 14:18–19
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Christ Centered Easter Basket with The Small Seed
For the full project this week please visit: The Small Seed for the idea and free downloads!
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Easter Eggs filled with LOVE notes!
Ready for an Easter themed project!?
This week
with the help of 4 darling boys, 2 little girls, and few adults we
filled Easter Eggs with notes of love and encouragement!
We hid them
around the park and on car windshields. The kids had a blast watching
from afar as people opened up the eggs with huge smiles! As busy moms
sometimes these projects feel a little crazy to care out, but the smiles
on the kid's faces after serving another is WELL worth the effort!
Examples of notes: You are LOVED! Have a good day! Whatever trial you
are facing, you are not alone. God loves you! Keep going, you can do it!
We also used the hashtag #projectservetogether on the back of our notes. This one was really fun! #easter #service #sharegoodness #passiton #fhe
Monday, March 9, 2015
Pass along the Good!
Today we were part of a chain reaction of good!
We were at a snow cone truck and the man gave me a discount when I
ordered 3 snow cones, and that resulted me having a few extra bucks in
my hand. A little boy ordered after us but only had about 50 cents. I
quickly handed him our extra money after the man explained he was short.
The man looked at me surprised, then smiled, and gave him an extra
large snow cone. There was a little girl in line with the little boy,
and she also didn't have enough, so the little boy said, "It's ok, grab a
spoon, we will share!"
This all happened in about 30 seconds and it was
the happiest part of my day.
The challenge this week is to look for
little opportunities to pass along the good given to us, no matter how
small! #sharegoodness #passiton #projectservetogether
Photo cred: @sylvanauribe
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Free High Fives!
This project was my favorite project we have done
so far!
It cost no money, took 2 minutes to prepare, and we had SO MUCH
We stood on the pathway that goes around a lake, and offered "Free
high fives!"
We gave out about 30, and the best part was the smiles.
Once everyone saw the sign they started smiling and not one person
passed up our offer. We got to talk to so many people, and it made us
all feel really happy.
You could do this anywhere, front porch, corner
of your street, at work, at school or at the park. It just felt good to
get out and interact with strangers!
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Love Thy Neighbor
"...Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
Matthew 22:39
Do a good deed for a neighbor.
We decided to wash our neighbor's garage
door, front door and porch.
Doing service with our kids takes time. We all have busy schedules to
keep. But, I promise you, if you take a little time to serve those
around you (this took 5 minutes) the reward will be great. ❤️
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Valentine's Day Heart Attack!
This week we heart attacked a family in our community that recently lost their husband and father.
We wrote little love notes on hearts and attached them to skewers so we could stick them all around their yard.
We wrote specific things we loved about each person, and we found ourselves sitting at the table talking about this awesome family for an hour!
My daughter told me,
"I really like Valentine's Day because we get to give all of our love!"
We invited friends to join us, to make sure there was no doubt how much this family is loved!
Grab some friends, paper, makers, and scissors, and
spread some love!
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Placemat Love!
Start February off right! Gather your little loves and spread some love! We asked for some extra lap mats from In-n-Out and then decorated the blank side.
Deliver these to nursing homes to be used as cheerful place mats. Or, spread the love at home and have your kids decorate a place mat for a sibling or parent!
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Serve Often in the New Year!
What do you want to become
in 2015?
If service is on that list of resolutions, it is sure to bring
more joy and blessings to your life!
"...when ye are in the service of
your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.”
Mosiah 2:17
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