Saturday, December 20, 2014

Give them the best gift: YOU!

We get so focused on making sure our kids have a magical Christmas that we can forget what it is that makes it so magical! It's not the toys, sugar, or Christmas Jammie's, but our LOVE! Save the hustling for the season for after bedtime and spend time reading stories, playing games, and just giving your kids yourself. It is the best we can give them! Merry Christmas, we have loved serving with you this year!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas Family Service: Filling the Manger with Love

 This Christmas Season I was excited to share with my kids, the tradition of placing straw in a manger for each act of service or kindness shown in our home. When I think back to Christmas as a child, the memories of doing secret service for my family is very vivid, more so than what I received from Santa even! We often give service challenges to complete with your family for others, but this week it is all about serving your family. This is such a simple thing to do, and it really keeps the focus of the Christmas season on Christ, His birth, and loving each other. If you don't have a manger and straw, a basket/small box and strips of paper would work just fine! We have found our children very eager to serve each other with the added motivation of filling the manger with straw, making it soft for baby Jesus. Our hope this season is that we can share the gift, that is Christ, with all.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Spending Time with Grandparents

Have you ever put "enjoy the true meaning of the season", "serve" or "spend more time with family" on your mental to do list? Right under buy Christmas gifts, make neighbor gifts, plan classroom party, go to kids holiday performances, pick out a tree, put lights on the get the point. 

Well, today, I had the opportunity of having my grandma at my house for the morning. I had a lot to do, but felt like I needed to  have her come spend time with my before she went home from her visit here at my parents.  I told her I wanted her to come over, but that I had a lot to do, so maybe she could help me? Well, we did some dishes together, straighten up the downstairs, and then we sat down on the couch and had a little tutoring session for her new iphone. After that we made lunch for the kids together and laughed about silly little things like the fact that I had just served her a hot dog and tater tots. 

I am so glad I decided to forget all those busy things I was going to do today, and instead spend several hours giving her the one on one time that she really needed. My grandfather passed away 10  years ago, and she is very lonely, starving for attention and love actually.

My  challenge this week is to reach out to your grandparents or an elderly neighbor. The holiday season is often extra lonely for them as they are missing their family and loved ones.A suggestion would be a phone call, a nice Christmas gift, or if you will be with them for the holidays, spent 10 or 15 deliberate minutes with them, asking all about their life. I have noticed that when I hold my grandmas hand or give her a back rub, she just melts. She has even told me that it feels so good because she never gets touched anymore.

I've been trying to put those important things on my mental "To Do List" in the right order lately, and when I do, I really feel so much closer to the Lord as I know it makes Him happy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Angel of Hope Clean Up

Each year, on December 6th, parents and families of angel children, gather at beautiful Angel of Hope monuments around the country.  It is a beautiful service, to honor and remember children that have passed on.

Each year, on the morning of the December 6th, The Ruby Jane Foundation meets at El Toro Memorial park to clean and polish the children’s markers in preparation for the service that night. Some parents are unable to visit their child’s resting place often, and are very comforted to find it looking beautiful and well kept when they come to the service that evening. We leave a flower on each marker, as a symbol of love and remembrance for each angel that rest there.

This is a great opportunity to service during the Christmas season. It is the perfect chance to serve with your children while teaching them about Heaven.

Where: El Toro Memorial Park
25751 Trabuco Road 
 Lake Forest, CA 92630
(949) 951-8244

When: December 6th @ 10am-11:30

Please Bring: A watering can, baby wipes, granite cleaner, rags, paper towels, potting shovel, scissors, scrubbing brush, grocery bag. 

If you live in an area that there is an Angel of Hope, this would be a great project to do with your families on Saturday, December 6th, as well.  Families often visit loved ones at the cemetery during this time of year, so a clean up of the markers anytime during the holidays would be greatly appreciated, I know!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Cards for Addie

This is 6 year old Addie. 
Once a bubbly and energetic girl, she now only weights 23 pound and her doctors have said this is likely her last Christmas, due to her undiagnosed illness. 

Getting the mail from Box 162 is something that little Addie Fausett literally lives for. This Christmas she wants to fill her walls with Christmas cards from YOU! She has been counting the cards already sent. Let's fulfill her Christmas wish by sending her a lifetime of Christmas cards.  

If you are addressing your cards today, stick one in the mail for Addie! 
Tag your friends that send out cards as well!

Addie Fausett
Box 162
Fountain Green, UT 84632

More about Addie and her story: Click Here